Chief Arvol Looking Horse is the keeper of sacred bundle passed down 19 generations from Calf Woman (White Buffalo).
He has traveled the world and held "World Peace and Prayer Day" since 1996 and this year it will be
in "Bdote" Mn. their "Garden of Eden" sacred site. Honoring Mother Earth,Waters and People from around the world.
He has received Wolf Award of Canada and the Juliet Hollister Award
St Paul,Mn
World Peace and Prayer Day 2011
June 18-21,2011

In the Countries of the N. America, S. America, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ireland, S. Africa, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand we traveled to bring this awareness and planted the seed of June 21st.This united effort is for the remedy for the healing of the present circumstances we are facing from global warming and the poison processes for monetary resources that have depleted Mother Earth's condition to sustain all life. Other Countries that understood this
massive effort also joined. As each of the 16 years passed the activation of their Sacred Sites grew. Whether it is a Mosque, Church, Synagogue, Temple or a Natural Sacred Site recognized by Nation's, this is inclusive to all Humanity in their beliefs of the Great Spirit.
We ask you to join us in this time, in your own Faith for a Great Healing, in Bdote, Minnesota the Dakota's sacred center of the universe. Please take time to visit our information on the web-site:
Some of the events taking place include informational speakers from Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, England and Canada sharing the condition of Mother Earth in their countries.
Spiritual/Religious Leaders Presenting:
Chief Arvol Looking Horse - is the 19th generation keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle and holds the responsibility of spiritual leader among the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota People.
Isaac James Bishra -Maori Nation, New Zealand. Isaac organized the WPPD 2008 in New Zealand for his People
Brave Heart Society & Elk Soldier Society- Yankton Sioux Tribe. The Brave Heart Society was revived at Ihanktonwan in1994 to work through ceremony and guidance to assist young women as they become a woman.
Reverend Deacon Conrad Plante - Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Swami Nityamuktananga Saraswati- Cornwall,England (Dr. Christa-Maria Herrmann) is German by birth. In 1997 she was recognized by the United Nations for contributions to World Peace (LGWPF/ NGO of UN). She will speak on the sacredness and spiritual symbolism of “Fire, Water and Silence”
Yoshie Ebihara - Japan. Yoshie has been active with Environmental Rights and with the recent Japan Earth Quake and Tsunami, she feels an urgency to speak of Japan's recent ordeal and how humanity can be more responsible in decisions for not only the country as a whole, but for their own family circles.
Dawid Hermanus Kruiper (#Xam!aup) - South Africa Dawid is a traditional and Spiritual leader of his People the Khomani San People, born in the former Kalahari Gemsbok Park.
Isak Kruiper - South Africa Nephew of Dawid Kruiper. This son of the Kalahari is a natural artist when it comes to the original San craft and music, as well as the various dances, for example the trance dance.
Josephine Mandamin-Manitoulin Island, Canada. This First Nations grandmother who walked around Great Lakes will talk about importance of water.
Rabbi Bob Carroll - Israel. Carroll is an Orthodox Rabbi and student of the Kabbalistic/Mystical tradition of Judaism.
Anna Festus (Ans)- South Africa Extended niece of both Dawid and Isak Kruiper (below), born in the Kalahari Gemsbok Park, now called the Kalagadi Transfrontier Park.
Shri Natha Devi Premananda, affectionately known as Mataji, - Los Angeles Founder of Eagle Wings of Enlightenment Center in South Central Los Angeles in the African-American Community since 1985, Mataji is a spiritual Mother dedicated to the uplifting of World Peace.
The Sacred Horse Ride begins June 6th from Pickerel Lake in South Dakota to honor of Tail Feather Woman, whose vision was of the Sacred Big Drum. The Horses will arrive at the ancient site of Bdote where the two rivers meet, currently named Mendota the gathering place for World Peace and Prayer Day.
An effort by Guinness, for the worlds largest “Hug for Peace” on the Mendota Bridge from 2-4PM on 6/19 is coordinated by the Boy Scouts, Global Athlete Village (GAV) and WPPD to signify the need for Unity from the Youth with 2 minutes of silence for the water.
Music will unite us in the our effects to heal the Earth. We will have two nights of concerts with Musicians coming together from across the country.
Heart of the Beast Puppet Theater and New Native Theater will be doing workshops:
Artists and organizations of many cultures will come together to provide a framework for the participants to create works of art that is meant to inspire thought and action in awareness of Mother Earth's needs from the human family. Working with New Native Theater and the Heart of the Beast Puppet Theater these efforts will be actualized into a means for people to involved themselves beyond world peace and prayer day.
We will also have International and National Artists displaying and selling their creations on all 4 days.
June 18th 2011:
Local Speakers
Concert evening
Informational Tables: Sustainable practices, Environmental Issues, Saving Sacred sites
June 19th 2011:
National Speakers
The gathering on Mendota bridge for the “Hug for Peace”
Concert evening
Informational Tables: Sustainable practices, Environmental Issues, Saving Sacred sites
June 20th 2011:
International Speakers speaking on “Fire, Water and Silence” the focus of WWPD 2011
HOTB and New Native Theater workshops
Informational Tables: Sustainable practices, Environmental Issues, Saving Sacred sites
June 21st 2011:
Gather with communities represented in coming together as “All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer”
for the Earth.
Contact Coordinators:
Juanita Espinosa: Coordinator for Children Art with Heart of the Beast
Linda Brown: Coordinator for Volunteers
Stephanie Smith : Coordinator for “Hug for Peace”
Debbra Myers: Coordinator for Musicians and VendorsWPPD 2011
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